Monday, July 25, 2011


Pack of cigarettes

• High school students who are current (past month) smokers: 19.5% or 3.4 million [Boys: 19.8% Girls: 19.1%] 
• High school males who currently use smokeless tobacco: 15.0% [Girls: 2.2%]
• Kids (under 18) who try smoking for the first time each day: 4,000
• Kids (under 18) who become new regular, daily smokers each day: 1,000+
• Kids exposed to secondhand smoke at home: 15.5 million
• Workplaces that have smoke-free policies:75.1%
• Packs of cigarettes consumed by kids each year: 800 million (roughly $2.0 billion per year in sales revenue)
• Adults in the USA who smoke: 20.6% or 46.6 million [Men: 23.5% Women: 17.9%]

Deaths & Disease in the USA from Tobacco Use

• People who die each year from their own cigarette smoking: approx. 400,000
• Adult nonsmokers who die each year from exposure to secondhand smoke: approx. 50,000
• Kids under 18 alive today who will ultimately die from smoking (unless smoking rates decline): 6,000,000+
• People in the USA who currently suffer from smoking-caused illness: 8.6 million
Smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined, with thousands more dying from spit tobacco use. Of all the kids who become new smokers each year, almost a third will ultimately die from it. In addition, smokers lose an average of 13 to 14 years of life because of their smoking.

Tobacco-Related Monetary Costs in the USA

Total annual public and private health care expenditures caused by smoking: $96 billion
- Annual Federal and state government smoking-caused Medicaid payments: $30.9 billion
[Federal share: $17.6 billion per year. States’ share: $13.3 billion]
- Federal government smoking-caused Medicare expenditures each year: $27.4 billion
- Other federal government tobacco-caused health care costs (e.g. through VA health care): $9.6 billion
• Annual health care expenditures solely from secondhand smoke exposure: $4.98 billion
Additional smoking-caused health costs caused by tobacco use include annual expenditures for health and developmental problems of infants and children caused by mothers smoking or being exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy or by kids being exposed to parents smoking after birth (at least $1.4 to $4.0 billion). Also not included above are costs from smokeless or spit tobacco use, adult secondhand smoke exposure, or pipe/cigar smoking.
Productivity losses caused by smoking each year: $97 billion
[Only includes costs from productive work lives shortened by smoking-caused death. Not included: costs from smokingcaused disability during work lives, smoking-caused sick days, or smoking-caused productivity declines when on the job.]
Other non-healthcare costs from tobacco use include residential and commercial property losses from smoking-caused fires(about half a billion dollars per year) and tobacco-related cleaning & maintenance ($3 billion).
• Taxpayers yearly fed/state tax burden from smoking-caused gov’t spending: $70.7 billion ($616 per household)
• Smoking-caused health costs and productivity losses per pack sold in USA (low estimate): $10.47 per pack
• Average retail price per pack in the USA (including sales tax): $5.29

Tobacco Industry Advertising & Political Influence

• Annual tobacco industry spending on marketing its products nationwide: $12.8 billion ($35+ million each day)
Research studies have found that kids are three times as sensitive to tobacco advertising than adults and are more likely to be influenced to smoke by cigarette marketing than by peer pressure; and that a third of underage experimentation with smoking is attributable to tobacco company advertising and promotion.
• Annual tobacco industry contributions to federal candidates, political parties, and PACS: Over $2 million
• Tobacco industry expenditures lobbying Congress in 2010: $16.6 million, 162 employees
Tobacco companies also spend enormous amounts to influence state and local politics; and, when threatened by the federal McCain tobacco control bill in 1998, spent more than $125 million in direct and grassroots lobbying to defeat it. Since 1998, Altria (Philip Morris) has spent more on lobbying Congress than almost any other business.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tobacco Consumption in Rajasthan

discount hilton cigarettesIn Rajasthan, tobacco chewing is on the rise. It has increased by 0.1% as compared to smoking. In the state, around 18.9% of the total population chews tobacco while 18.8% population smokes Hilton cigarettes. The figures were released by the World Health Organization last week.
Asthma and tobacco specialist Dr Virendra Singh said, “The number of people chewing tobacco is rising. Chewing tobacco is more dangerous than smoking as it increases chances of cancer. The risk is three times higher in chewing tobacco than smoking because in chewing tobacco essence and supari is mixed, which make it more risky.” The newly-released figures show that smoking among women in Rajasthan is also higher than the national average. In India, 2.9% of total women population smoke but the figure is much higher in Rajasthan. It is around 5.3%.
But the percentage of women chewing tobacco is much higher than smoking. Around 8.5% of women in the state chew tobacco which is much less than the national average. In India around 18.4% women chew tobacco, which is a national average. Besides, the number of people smoking in Rajasthan is higher than the national average percentage. In India, around 14% of people, including men and women smoke while in Rajasthan around 18.8% of people smoke daily.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cigarette brands reviews

Westport FF King: Made in Canada. Length: 3 5/16, 84 mm; filter 13/16 inch, 20 mm. The tobacco is 
westportmostly medium-brown ribbons, and nothing foreign was found in the mix. About 1/8 inch of tobacco compressed in our tamp-down test. The Old Guy thought this was a pretty okay brand; it went down easily and was strong enough to be rightfully called full flavor. He said he may have detected a bit of vanilla, but it wasn’t overpowering. Also, he was satisfied with the burn rate. Though this isn’t his favorite brand (he has a favorite brand?), he said there would be nothing stopping him from smoking more of them.
Quest Low Nicotine King: Made in the USA. Length: 3 ј inches, 83 mm; filter 1 inch, 25 mm. The filter is divided into three sections questseparated by what appears to be charcoal granules. We could definitely determine that the last part of the filter is made of something different than the ordinary cellulose found in filters. It can be described as a paper folded many, many times. In our tamp-down test, the tobacco compressed about 1/8 inch. The tobacco is made of mostly brown ribbons, and there was nothing out of the ordinary in it. We were very impressed with this one; it had a good rich flavor, didn’t burn too quickly, and the draw was nice and easy. This is a new breed of smoke in that it is made with genetically altered tobacco (like Omni) with increasingly lower nicotine levels. Although it says “low nicotine” right on the box, and these smokes have a new-fangled filter that may reduce carcinogens, the manufacturer makes no claims that Quest is safer than any other, and it is not being marketed as a smoking-cessation product, either. Nevertheless, we liked this one, and if perhaps it is one day proven to be “safer”, so much the better.parker
Parker Menthol Light 100s: Made in Cyprus, distributed by Burlington Tobacco Co. in Waynesville, North Carolina. Length: 3 7/8 inches, 98 mm; filter 1 1/16 inches, 27 mm. The tobacco is made of equal amounts of light-to-medium brown ribbons and flakes, and there was nothing unusual found in the mix. About 3/16 inch of tobacco compressed in our tamp-down test. This smoke gets an “A” for average; though the draw is a bit hard, it burned at a normal rate. It can definitely be classed as a light, if not less, but there was no discernable taste of menthol. Though this was very easy to smoke, if a person is looking for a distinct menthol flavor, this is not the one to choose. However, the average price for a carton (about twelve dollars) might make it desirable.camel
Camel Exotic Warm Winter Toffee King – Yet another offering from RJ Reynolds Tobacco’s “exotic” division, the Warm Winter Toffee King size is 3 1/4 inches (83 mm) long, with a 1 inch (21 mm) white filter. The flavored exotics are packed in a nearly square, metal tin. This packaging is pretty neat; colorful, smooth, and pleasing to the touch. We find it difficult to simply discard the empty tins, figuring they should be good for something. (Paper clips, perhaps? Trout flies?) The tobacco blend consists of light, medium, and dark leaf, cut in fine ribbons and some flakes. We were able to tamp the mix down about 1/8 inch, and we found no foreign material in it. As one would expect from RJR, this is a premium smoke. The draw is easy, the burn rate about average, and there is no harshness or unpleasant aftertaste. The “toffee” is not the Old Guy’s favorite — the bourbon model is firmly holding down that distinction — but it is nevertheless high on his list. The anti-smoking establishment is convinced RJR is marketing the flavored “exotics” to kids. Perhaps that is the case. If so, they must be pretty well-heeled kids, as these smokes are not cheap.
pall mallPall Mall Lights Menthol 100′s Box – Made by Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., Louisville, Kentucky. Length: 3 7/8 inches, 98mm; filter 13/16 inch, 20 mm. The tobacco, comprised mostly of medium-brown ribbons, contained nothing unusual in the sample we checked out. In the tamp-down test, it compressed about 1/8 inch. The Old Guy was pretty pleased with this one. He liked the way it went down (not rough at all, even though he was sick), and he was impressed with the smooth, but pretty powerful, flavor. Though touted as a menthol, very little of that came through to the Old Guy, which is always a bonus for him. Also, he found no unpleasant aftertaste whatsoever in this one. The major drawback: it burns way too slowly. The Old Guy commented that, in the 100 style, and if a person were so inclined, you could get two smokes out of one with these. And it even states right on the foil wrap inside the box, “Burns Slower”. In spite of that, he gave it about a 7.5 on a scale to 10. Another bonus: because this is not classed as a “premium”, you can get it for a pretty decent price. Bottom line: give these a go, if you are ready to try a good, solid generic brand.
Legal Full Flavor King:legalMade in Columbia and imported by Freedom, “a little tobacco company”. Length:1/8 inches, 80 mm; filter 9/16 inch, 15 mm. The tobacco is a standard blend of medium-brown flakes and ribbons, and three pieces of stem were found in the sample that was inspected. In the tamp-down test, it compressed about 1/8 inch. One notable thing: the filter is recessed ј inch. The Old Guy didn’t care for this brand at all. He said it was possibly the weakest full-flavor he had ever tasted. The draw was extremely hard, which he thought could be attributed to the “funny” filter. He thought it went down okay, and it burned at an average rate. However, these didn’t make up for the wicked aftertaste it left him with.monarch
Monarch Full Flavor King: Made in the U.S.A. by R.J. Reynolds Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Length: 3 ј inches, 83 mm; filter 13/16 inch, 21 mm. The tobacco is a standard blend of medium-brown flakes and ribbons, and nothing unusual was found in the mix. It compressed about 1/8 inch in the tamp-down test. The Old Guy was much more receptive to this one. He thought it had a good, rich flavor that was strong enough to suit him. He found nothing wrong with the draw or the way it went down. He did comment that it would be nice if it burned a bit more slowly. Yes, he would smoke these again. And again…niagaras
Niagara Menthol Light King: Made in Seneca Nation Territory by Sovereign Tobacco Company, Irving New York. Length: 3 5/16 inches, 85mm; filter 13/16 inch, 20 mm. The tobacco is made of medium-brown course ribbons and flakes. Nothing out of the ordinary was found in the mix, but the sample inspected seemed extraordinarily dry. About 1/16 inch compressed in the tamp-down test. The Old Guy was very happy with this one. He liked the flavor: quite strong for a “light”, and without an overwhelming menthol taste. He said the draw was just right, and it went down very smoothly. Also, he was pleased with the burn rate. He said he would definitely like to try a full flavor of this brand. At an average cost of $11.00 per carton, he just may…Seneca
Seneca Menthol King: Made in Ohsweden, Ontario Canada by Grand River Enterprises. Length: 3 5/16 inches, 85 mm; filter 13/16 inch, 20mm. The tobacco is made up of light-to-medium brown mostly ribbons with some flakes. Nothing unusual was found in the mix, and about 1/16 inch compressed in the tamp-down test. The Old Guy was pretty satisfied with this one, too. Though it had a definite menthol taste, he was surprised by the richness of the flavor. He thought he might have detected a bit of vanilla in it, as well. And though the draw was just average, it went down very easily, with no lingering aftertaste. Typically, he complained that it burned a little too fast. Even if this brand didn’t turn him into a full-time menthol smoker, he said he would definitely finish the entire pack we gave him…
cigsCigs Menthol Light King…Made in Canada. Length: 3 ј inches, 83 mm; filter ѕ inch, 20mm. The tobacco is a standard blend of medium-brown ribbons and flakes, and one fairly large piece of woody stem was found in the sample. Negligible results were obtained in the tamp-down test. The Old Guy really liked this one. He thought it had a nice, easy drag and that it went down smoothly. The burn rate was just what it should be, also. He was particularly impressed with the taste, which he said had just the right amount of menthol flavor. The Old Guy thought this one was very similar to a Basic Menthol Light. He said a person really can’t miss with this one…euro
Euro Menthol King – A product of Uruguay. Length: 3 ј inches, 83 mm; filter 13/16 inch, 21 mm. The tobacco is a course-cut standard blend and there was one piece of stem found in the mix. The results of the tamp-down test were negligible. The Old Guy wasn’t overly thrilled with this one. Though it had a decent drag and went down okay, it burned much too quickly for him. He said the flavor was pretty bold and there was no mistaking it was a menthol. The menthol flavor stayed with him for a long time after he was done with the smoke (too long for his liking). He thinks this would be an excellent choice for someone who really likes a menthol…lobo
Lobo Full Flavor King…Made in Spain. Length: 3 5/16 inch, 84mm; filter 13/16 inch, 20 mm. The tobacco is a standard blend and nothing out of the ordinary was found in the mix. About 1/8 inch of tobacco compressed in the tamp-down test. The Old Guy thought this was a very weak smoke for a full flavor. Though he thought it had an easy enough drag and that it went down smoothly, he didn’t get the “kick” from it that he likes a smoke to have. He said a person would have to smoke at least two of them at the same time to get the effects of a true full flavor. Also, he detected a lot of vanilla in the flavor, which he didn’t particularly care for. We don’t know if he finished the whole pack of these, but it’s a good bet that he didn’t…
vegasVegas Full Flavor King – Made by Star Tobacco, Petersburg, Pennsylvania. Length 3 ј inches, 83 mm; filter 1 inch, 25 mm. The tobacco is a course-cut standard blend with a strong binder. One piece of stem was found in the mix. In the tamp-down test, about 1/16 inch of tobacco compressed. Also, unlike other Star Tobacco products, this one didn’t have a charcoal-embedded filter. The Old Guy was very pleased with this one. He said it had everything a good full flavor smoke should have: an easy drag, smooth draw, and a rich, bold flavor (that means STRONG to the rest of us). He even liked the name of this brand. Also, he liked the burn rate. Would he smoke more packs of these (or maybe even buy them)? You bet…

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Japan Tobacco Advances on Domestic Shipment

cheap beverly cigarettes onlineJapan Tobacco Inc. rose the most in six weeks after saying it planned to resume shipments of all Beverly cigs and other cigarette brands disrupted by the March 11 earthquake earlier than previously announced.
The world’s third-largest publicly traded cigarette maker climbed 4.3 percent to 312,500 yen as of the 11 a.m. break on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, its biggest gain since May 13. The benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average added 1 percent.
Japan Tobacco will restore deliveries of all brands by July 18 instead of early August, as it had planned earlier, the company said yesterday. The 9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami forced Japan Tobacco to suspend all domestic shipments for 12 days, with cigarette brands gradually returning to production after that.
“Japan Tobacco can finally move on,” Mitsuo Shimizu, an equity analyst at Cosmo Securities Co. in Tokyo, said by telephone today. “The impact from the earthquake has started to diminish.”
Domestic sales fell 38 percent to 7.2 billion cigarettes in May, the Tokyo-based company said June 10. They plunged 81 percent in April.